Your child’s health is important to us.
We follow strict health protocols to keep our facilities clean and safe. All classrooms and learning environments are cleaned daily with toxin-free products. We sterilize our common surfaces and encourage hand washing to prevent illness. Our focus on healthy snacks and meals helps promote an atmosphere of wellness.
We follow appropriate guidelines for public health. In addition to consistent cleaning, we monitor children for signs of poor health. All children are required to have their temperature taken prior to entering our facilities. In addition to this, please screen yourself and your children at home so that we may be certain that no one who is coming to our facility is unwell.
A healthy body and mind facilitate learning and positive growth.
Should a child or a staff member experience signs of illness, we address that immediately by waiting until everyone recovers before returning on site. Our staff is trained to spot common childhood afflictions such as lice and early childhood diseases so these can be treated immediately.
Currently, there are two separate check-in areas for signing children in and out of care. We have established two separate locations where preschoolers are dropped off and picked up to promote staying healthy. Once parents say goodbye, our Happy Days teachers or aides walk your child to the classroom. Upon arriving at the classroom, kids wash their hands with soap and water.
Safety highlights:
Every age group is actively learning, and we are there to motivate children to reach their potential in a secure environment. Our high teacher-to-child ratio ensures that children of all ages are safe while in our care. We train our staff to understand the required safety practices and apply them to every age group.
Infants are constantly watched to prevent injury. Some of our infants are very young and need to be carried to prevent stress and crying. We support the attachment they need in a nurturing way. Nobody is ever neglected, and we strive to attend to babies right away.
Toddlers seek more independence. They are allowed to do this under a watchful eye. We take every precaution to avoid toddlers getting hurt. Should toddlers need intervention, we are always nearby.
Preschool-aged children are taught about safety as they independently explore their surroundings. We support this age group with instruction about how to be mindful of others and still have fun. We encourage development of fine motor skills without risking trauma. We also explain that all actions have consequences and help preschoolers set appropriate boundaries.
We request that all children in our toddler and preschool programs bring a sheet and a blanket to use at rest time. We will keep these on site and wash them weekly. Children who are age 2 and up are currently required to wear a mask while they are in our care. Mask breaks are provided throughout the day during outside playtime, meals and snacks, and rest time. The toddler and preschool classes have use of the outside play yard once in the morning and once in the afternoon. After each use, staff members sanitize the toys and surfaces of the play yard.
Our procedures and protocols have been put in place as a response to the current community needs. All visitors must sign in and be approved to pick up the children. Infants and toddlers must be dropped off at the rear door of their respective classrooms. Parents may deliver children directly to the teacher and have an opportunity for an in-person check in.
Two separate sign-in and sign-out stations have been established as a means of maintaining social distancing. These are set up to provide as much efficiency as possible with the drop-off and pick-up process.
We have security cameras to monitor the premises. Our doors are securely closed during all hours to keep your children safe and to prevent strangers from entering. Anybody other than family members on record are not allowed to see the children without proper permission. Both of our facilities are enclosed to keep those enrolled completely safe while they are with us.