Happy Days provides a safe, nurturing environment that encourages each child to develop self-esteem, independence, and creativity.
Ages are a guidline.
Our curriculum makes it easy to have fun while learning, regardless of developmental levels, personality, and interests.
With positive encouragement and recognition, we focus on the vital growth of individuality and skills.
Our positive approach to discipline involves mutual problem-solving and choice-making, as well as fair and consistent limits. Children are involved in making classroom rules and in learning how to understand the guidelines that keep our school safe.
Over the years, we have tailored our curriculum to reflect innovations in Early Childhood Development. We provide the latest educational equipment and materials and keep the classroom environments up to date. Lesson plans with monthly themes aim to make learning fundamental skills interesting and exciting.
Our top priority is to work with parents to create the best learning environment for children. We believe that a close connection between home and school is essential for a child’s wellbeing and education.
We help establish awareness about the world in a safe and nurturing way. Our infant program supports babies with age-appropriate toys, books, and music so they can build a positive sense of trust. Our high teacher-to-child ratio ensures that every child receives the attention they need. From diapering to learning, we provide an environment for mastering age-specific basics such as crawling, speaking, and expansion of fine motor skills.
Reading to babies throughout the day helps them expand their vocabulary. Our library contains tactile, age-appropriate books, including some with the written word, that infants explore on their own. Turning pages, pointing to different pictures, and identifying objects are activities that help build confidence. The books present subjects that stimulate an infant’s interest. Our teachers support the process by being present and available for the newborns as they take their next steps in building awareness and confidence.
For parents who are away from their children during the day, the activity logs we maintain keep communication flowing. Families appreciate this. Our logs include a schedule of diapering, eating, and sleeping. Through this information exchange, we can identify if there is a behavioral change at home. By staying updated, parents get to know the teachers who take care of their little ones. To provide the ideal care for your children, we tailor our routines to meet their needs.
Happy Days provides an environment in which toddlers play, discover, and have fun. Busy toddlers develop rapidly, and their curiosity is the best learning tool. A growing sense of self begins by touching and exploring the world. We support this age group in solving problems and by increasing communication skills.
With help of our best practices, young children are coached in growing self-confidence to face the future.
Twice daily, our toddlers come together as a group for music and fun. This is the time to learn songs and fingerplays. There is also plenty of creative movement and dance. All are motivated to participate, but, for this age group, circle time is optional, as some children are more introverted and are shy about interacting with others.
For young children who are still building their communication skills, experimenting with art supplies is a way to find their voice and get in touch with their imagination. We provide age-appropriate supplies to stimulate young minds. We allow children the time and freedom to enjoy the process of exploring art materials and creating their visions. It is exciting for toddlers to externalize what is inside their minds.
Exposure to books and reading aloud enhances your child’s literacy. We read to children in groups and individually throughout the day. Toddlers are also encouraged to look through books on their own and ask for help in decoding new concepts. This is a time to build the love of reading and establish a lifelong love of learning.
Preparation for school is easy as we inspire and engage young minds. Our kind and gentle approach prepares children for success. Each child learns at their own pace, and participants move on to the next class when they are ready. The subjects broaden and become more detailed as children advance. It all starts with Superstars mastering potty training before they can become Busy Bees and Explorers. As the youngsters demonstrate mastery in any subject matter, the topics become more academic.
This is a delightful opportunity for class members to enjoy learning and communicating with each other in preparation for the same activity in kindergarten.
Music transcends language, and this is why it is a big part of circle time for this age group. Preschoolers stimulate their learning minds as they sing, dance, and play instruments.
Stories are also part of this group activity, with teachers reading and discussing picture books. Children are encouraged to make up their own stories using a flannel board with provided shapes and characters. Music and movement are often combined with stories to establish continuity in learning. A variety of books is available for the children to access throughout the day.
Cooking creates awareness about the importance of nutrition. Our curriculum teaches children to measure, name, and combine ingredients. And, best of all, they get to taste and share the final product. Preschoolers often assist with lunch food preparation. Children take great pleasure and pride in this process as they acquire a sense of participation and accomplishment.
Each preschool classroom has time allotted to learning the fundamentals needed in future education. Identifying and writing the alphabet and numbers eventually leads to increased literacy, math, and science skills. Children are guided to name colors and shapes, as well as understand mathematical concepts such as patterning and sizing. Our curriculum makes it fun to learn about basic concepts of science through hands-on exploration projects.